Sunday, February 15, 2015

Yang Ping - Practical 5 – Social Media Analytics for my SMM Project

Since between is more focused on using Facebook to increase it's engagement with it's fans, we've decided to use Facebook Insights to help us monitor. Here is an general overview of the current statistics dating from the past 7 days.

Before taking over the Facebook page, Between were posting on their page close to once in a few weeks. However, after Joash has given us the rights to the page, we started posting at 12.30 pm, 3 times a week. The graph below shows the growth of  the posts as compared to about a year ago.
The orange, purple and blue bar represents the organic post reach, like, comment and shares and post clicks respectively.

Statistics from a month ago. 
A significant boost in engagement and post reach as compared to the last year.  I think there was in increase in the engagement bar as we started posting more regularly as compared to before. As you can see from the dates above, they used to post an average of  4 times in a month . 
         A clearer view of the statistics in numbers of each of the dates in the posts.  

Another important part of Facebook insights to take note of is the Reach page. 

As can be seen from above, this month as compared to the last , have more engagement due to the increase in likes and shares. As from below, it shows the 2 post with the highest amount of likes during the month of Feb. 

I hope Between's Facebook page continues to grow with the help of more engaging posts and us helping to share the page with more of our friends  

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