Sunday, February 15, 2015

“Yang Ping-Practical 05 Record of my contributions to the SMM Project- Entry 1

Record what you have done as a team member since Oct 2014, sharing information such as the dates you performed your tasks, what preparation work you have done,
 how long you took on the tasks, what problems did you encounter and what you have learnt through your tasks or what you will do


From the start,  I didn't come up with much ideas for the project. I am not a very creative and idealistic person, therefore i was not able to generate much marketing ideas for the company and left those to my group mates to help.

Starting with practical 1, it gave me an insight of how to use the different social media platforms available. Starting an account on the different media platforms allowed me to connect with my class mates by following them and reading up on their posts online. I also understood more of how each platform worked and how i could use it to my benefits. I get to stalk on my lecturer too as well! how cool was that~ but sadly she doesn't post often.

For the 2nd practical, we had to find and approach our a company of our choice to ask if they were willing to collaborate with us.  Though our lecturer has already  found a willing company for us, we were still required to approach one.  I searched for a company called Pay where, an eCommerce software development web hoping that they would be willing to collaborate with us. But sadly they didn't get back to me on a reply.

Also part of the second practical, we needed  to complete our CA1 which was to give and present a more inept introduction to our company, come up with new marketing strategies as well as a market analysis so that we know where to help improve. Below are my part of the slides which i present. 

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