On the 9th of October 2014, my group members and I went to Plug-In @Blk 71 a local co-working space to visit the General Manager Joash Wee and Value Innovator Pat Mekasuvanrogj of Between App to understand more about their company and deduce what we could do for them.
The first time I know about this company was on a recent school technopreneurship trip to Korea and VCNC was one of the companies we visited. I thought that the idea was pretty unique to have just a private chat room for couples only. I was pretty surprised when my lecturer Ms Dora called me and asked me to take on this project.
Before meeting the client, we had done our own research on the company and learnt a bit of how the idea for the app came about and the popularity it has received since it's launch. We also checked out their social media marketing sites to gauge how high we should set our target as well as come up with some ideas which could help them be more engaging with their users.
It was quite exciting yet intimidating for us to meet Joash and Pat as it was the first time we're working with a real company and we're worried that we are not able to meet up to their demands. But, it turned out that they were really nice and patient with us. They even helped my team mates with their other projects by giving them loads of valuable suggestions.
They slowly explained the different functions featured in the app and told us more about their current online marketing strategy. We shared some of the ideas which we had in mind and surprisingly, they were very open to our suggestions and gave us a lot of freedom to do what we think could help boost their Facebook likes and Instagram users. On the condition that we have to let them check the content of our work before posting it online. We decided to set ourselves a target to help increase their Facebook likes by 250 and posting at least 3 posts per week and increased Instagram followers by 200. Sounds like a hard goal but I believe that our team is capable of doing it.
Overall, I am really glad to be working with this company and i hope my team can do well to hit the target which we have set for ourselves by the end of this assignment. :]
Blog Post by : Yang Ping (1414590)
Name of company: VCNC
Application name: Between
Web: http://between.us/en/
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